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It’s people like you who help us deliver the essential services we provide to the disadvantaged. By fundraising for Uncle Paul’s Chilli Charity, you get to be part of an exciting and rewarding occasion. We’ve lots of suggestions for fundraising on our Fundraising Ideas page. Here's just a small selection of how the money you raise can help:


Buys a good pair of safety goggles which will be used by disadvantaged people attending our Forestry School

Safety Goggles


Covers one month's Health Programme cost for our charity horse and includes essential vaccinations

Des the horse


Buys a set of waterproof clothing for a beneficiary so that they  can attend the farm in all weather



Purchases a pair of beekeeping boots so that those learning about apiary remain protected

Beekeeper with Bees


Allows us to purchase a Kelly Kettle which means we can boil water over an open fire during our Forestry School sessions

Kelly Kettle


Will provide food for three bee hives during the winter months. We have eight hives in total

Swarm of Bees


Covers the cost of a new storage shed so that beneficiaries can keep their tools close to their learning areas & keep them safe

Gardening Shed


Gives 12 students from a special education school a full day of Forestry School, including food

Open fire cooking


Buys over 2,500 empty jam jars for our charity products, sales of which go directly back in to supporting our beneficiaries

Chilli jam


Can purchase an eco toilet so that we can utlise more remote parts of the farm whilst providing this essential facility

Eco toilet


Buys two new bee hives along with the colonies to populate them and all related equipment & saftey gear

Bee Keeper
Our Mission

Download our fundraising pack here:

"The smallest act of kindness is worth more

than the grandest intention."

- Oscar Wilde

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