Safeguarding Commitment
We believe that all children, young people, and vulnerable adults have the right to protection from harm, abuse and exploitation. We are dedicated to protecting all children, young people and vulnerable adults participating in learning and activities at Uncle Paul’s Chilli Charity.
Our safeguarding commitment to them is built on the following principles:
That safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. As a charity, we work proactively with education, social care, police, health services, parents/carers and other relevant professionals or organisations.
That children, young people and vulnerable adult’s safety and welfare is, and must always be, the paramount consideration.
That all children, young people and vulnerable adults regardless of their background, have the right to be protected from abuse, exploitation or harm.
That all safeguarding concerns and allegations of abuse must be taken seriously, reported, and responded to appropriately.
We have a series of measures in place to help create safe and inclusive environments for children, young people and vulnerable adults participating in the Charities programmes and activities. These include:
Recruitment and selection processes to assess the suitability of staff, volunteers and delivery partners to work safely with children, young people and vulnerable adults
The provision of a safeguarding induction to all members of staff and volunteers
In-depth safeguarding training for staff and volunteers with additional safeguarding responsibilities
A clear, accessible reporting mechanism that supports all staff, volunteers, children and young people and adults to safely report safeguarding concerns or allegations
Guidance for all staff, volunteers, and other representatives of the Charity on the behaviour expected for any programme and activity with children, young people and vulnerable adults whether it’s online or face-to-face
For all children, young people and adults attending Uncle Paul’s Chilli Charity from another educational establishment will follow their safeguarding processes of that organisation. If you have a concern or worry speak to the member of staff you have been working closely with first, as they already know you and are often best placed to help.
If you don’t wish to contact this member of staff, for whatever reason, or if they’re not available, you can contact our Safeguarding Team directly below:
Nick Phillips, – Emergency contact: 01934 411130